Osteopathic Clinic
Primery Health Clinic of the year 2023
in Kutno
in Kutno
according to the medical plebiscite 'HIPOKRATES 2023' of Dziennik Łódzki
under the patronage of the President of the National Health Fund
At the GlobalMedic osteopathic clinic, we specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders. We take a holistic approach, combining osteopathy, manual medicine, and modern rehabilitation methods to effectively support our patients’ health and well-being.
Osteopathic Consultation
The consultation includes an interview and an osteopathic examination.
Physician : Artem Chepa
First osteopathic session with a prior consultation (approx. 90 min) - 230 PLN Follow-up osteopathic session (approx. 60 min) - 190 PLN
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What osteopathy and neurology treat:
- Neck and back pain
- Spinal and intervertebral disc diseases
- Combined approach to non-surgical treatment of intervertebral protrusions and hernias
- Chest pain and intercostal pain
- Sacral and coccygeal pain
- Pelvic dysfunctions, biomechanical and reflexive pelvic pain
- Pain syndromes in pregnant and lactating women
- Muscle pain, myofascial syndromes
- Migraines, various headaches, and facial pain
- Temporomandibular joint dysfunctions
- Dizziness and vestibular disorders
- Vegetative dysfunctions, maladaptive syndromes, asthenic syndrome
- Limb pain due to neurological pathology
- Carpal tunnel syndrome and other limb compression syndromes
- Functional joint dysfunctions
- Various outpatient neurological pathologies
- Postpartum rehabilitation, back and pelvic balance
- Support for functional and reflexive internal organ disorders
- Late subacute recovery after injuries
- Support in somatic diseases in addition to allopathic treatment
- Body balance and stimulation of regenerative (healing) forces in children
- Osteopathic rehabilitation for children with neurological pathologies
- Osteopathic health cosmetology program
- Recommendations for kinesiotherapy

Artem Chepa
a neurologist from Ukraine with the highest specialization category, a certified osteopath, a member of the Ukrainian Osteopathic Association, and authorized to practice medicine in Poland.
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24 384 71 17
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24 384 71 17