Neurology Clinic - GlobalMedic - Neurologist Łódź
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Primery Health Clinic of the year 2023
in Kutno
according to the medical plebiscite 'HIPOKRATES 2023' of Dziennik Łódzki
under the patronage of the President of the National Health Fund
GlobalMedic - Medical Center
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Helena (09.05.2023)
Neurology Clinic

star star star star star
Very good clinic. Great doctors and very nice service.
Marlena (09.05.2023)
Gynecology Clinic

star star star star star
The wonderful gynecologist explained everything in detail and thoroughly performed the examination. Truly admirable. I recommend it

At the GlobalMedic Neurology Clinic, we deal with disorders of the nervous system. We put the greatest effort into the diagnosis and treatment of neurological ailments.

Neurological consultation
The consultation includes an interview and a basic neurological examination. The allocated time for the consultation is 40 minutes.
Physician : Artem Chepa
  • Neurological consultation - 200 PLN
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    Pediatric neurological consultation
    The state of a child's nervous system largely determines the proper pace of the child's development, which is why it is so important to promptly visit a pediatric neurologist for routine examinations in the first years of life. It is also crucial to pay attention to alarming symptoms in a timely manner to detect diseases at an early stage and prevent complications. The consultation includes an interview and a basic neurological examination for children from 0 to 18 years old. The allocated time for the consultation is 40 minutes.
    Physician : Artem Chepa
  • Pediatric neurological consultation - 200 PLN
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    eeg lodz
    EEG examination
    EEG is an abbreviation for electroencephalography, a technique that records changes in electrical potentials in the brain. During the examination, electrodes are placed on the scalp to collect the electrical signals generated by nerve cells (neurons). These signals are then amplified and recorded in the form of brain waves, which can be analyzed by specialists.
    Physician : Artem Chepa
  • EEG examination while awake (without description, examination duration 20 minutes) - 150 PLN
  • EEG examination while awake (with description, examination duration 30 minutes) - 250 PLN
  • EEG examination during sleep (with description, examination duration 90 minutes) - 400 PLN
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    Disorders of the nervous system – related to problems with movement, speech, hearing, vision, and sensation.
    Epilepsy – also known as seizure disorder, is a chronic neurological condition. Its characteristic symptom is epileptic seizures, which are associated with brain dysfunction. Seizures involve sudden, excessive, and abnormal electrical discharges in nerve cells.
    Sleep Disorders – insomnia, excessive sleepiness, or hyperarousal, may have its roots in a dysfunctional nervous system.

    Learn more about sleep disorders on our blog.

    Memory Disorders – may stem from various neurological causes and require broader diagnostics.
    Autism Spectrum Disorders – are a group of complex neurological disorders that affect how an individual communicates, behaves, and perceives the world. They encompass diverse features and can vary significantly in intensity and symptoms among individuals.
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – is a neurobiological developmental disorder characterized by difficulties in concentration, excessive impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
    Autonomic Dysfunctions – also known as autonomic nervous system disorders, refer to problems associated with the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which controls many processes in the body, such as breathing, heart rate, digestion, body temperature regulation, and stress responses.
    Radiculopathy, Neuropathy, Nerve Pain – most commonly caused by damage to peripheral nerves, leading to sensory disturbances.
    Post-Stroke Condition – as a result of a stroke, parts of the brain undergo necrosis. Patients post-stroke require intensive rehabilitation and neurological monitoring. In our medical clinic, neurological consultations are also provided by a speech therapist..
    Post-Inflammatory Brain, Meningeal Inflammation Condition – is an infectious disease characterized by unfortunately high mortality. It also happens to leave a lasting mark on the body.
    Developmental Delay – of psychological and speech, cognitive disorders of various origins.
    Astenic States of Various Origins – are associated with weakening of the body and general fatigue, which can have various origins.
    Paralysis, Palsy, Childhood Paralysis – also called paralysis. It involves weakening or restriction of movement in the limb affected by palsy.
    Pain of Various Locations – pain in limbs and other parts of the body unrelated to injuries or inflammatory processes, back pain, etc.

    • Headaches, fainting, migraines
    • Epilepsy or other seizure disorders
    • Sleep disorders
    • Tics, bedwetting, anxieties, stuttering, etc.
    • Pain in various locations: limbs and other body parts unrelated to injuries or inflammatory processes
    • Weakness or paralysis of body parts
    • Consequences of injuries, neuroinfections, ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, perinatal nervous system damage
    • Memory and concentration disorders
    • General fatigue and weakness

    • Presence or suspicion of developmental abnormalities of the nervous system
    • Increased excitability or, conversely, lethargy in the child
    • Frequent regurgitation in infants and poor appetite
    • Frequent trembling of the chin and limbs in infants
    • Frequent vomiting unrelated to gastrointestinal problems
    • Swallowing disorders
    • Delay in the child’s psychomotor, premotor, and language development
    • Hearing and vision impairment
    • Appearance of focal neurological symptoms (e.g., on the face)
    • Movement disorders
    • Sleep disorders

    • Assessment of normal maturation of brain bioelectrical activity in children
    • Delay in psycholinguistic and psychomotor development
    • Psychoemotional disorders;
    • Diagnosis and evaluation of the effectiveness of epilepsy treatment
    • Diagnosis of various seizures and attacks
    • Differential diagnosis of affective-respiratory seizures, tics, fainting, bedwetting
    • Sleep disorders
    • Organic diseases of the nervous system
    • Headaches, cluster headaches, migraines
    • Autism spectrum disorders

    • A cap with sensitive sensors is placed on the patient’s head
    • During the examination, the patient sits in a chair, relaxed, with closed eyes; then provocation tests are conducted: photostimulation, hyperventilation
    • The device records brain activity, analyzing it for many parameters
    • The doctor analyzes the EEG recording and formulates a conclusion describing the main rhythms, compliance with age norms

    medical doctor
    Vira Chepa
    Neurologist, pediatric neurologist from Ukraine with permission to practice medicine in Poland
    Learn more

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    Medical Center

    Medical clinic in Kutno
    Barlickiego 2
    99-300 Kutno

    phone 24 384 71 17
    phone. 730 740 086
    HQ: GlobalMedic Spółka z o.o.
    Spółka komandytowa
    ul. Gdańska 90 / 2-1
    90-508 Łódź

    Entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register
    kept by the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź,
    20th Commercial Division of the National Court Register,
    at KRS No. 0000850921