Internal Medicine Clinic - GlobalMedic clinic - Internist Kutno
Convenient online or phone reservation
Primery Health Clinic of the year 2023
in Kutno
according to the medical plebiscite 'HIPOKRATES 2023' of Dziennik Łódzki
under the patronage of the President of the National Health Fund

Are you suffering from a sore throat, cough, or fever? Not sure if it’s safe to go to work? Do you need an urgent medical consultation?

At the GlobalMedic Internist Clinic, we will see you immediately, and after the examination, if necessary, the doctor will issue a medical certificate and the necessary prescription.

The cost of an internal medicine consultation is PLN 150.

The cost of an internal medicine teleconsultation is PLN 150.

Call and make an appointment at 24 384 71 17.

An internist is a medical specialist who is often the first doctor we turn to when we have problems with internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, liver, or kidneys. In addition to diagnosing and treating internal diseases, an internist is also involved in preventing them through routine health checks. Additionally, an internist qualifies patients for the appropriate immunizations, helping to maintain health and prevent infections.

If you want to be treated in primary care, sign the declaration today and become our satisfied patient.

Viktoria Paziuk
Doctor at the Internal Medicine Clinic
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24 384 71 17
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24 384 71 17

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We accept declarations to the Primary Health Care clinic (NFZ) in Kutno

Learn more Make a declaration

If you have any questions?

Call our clinic at

24 384 71 17
Click to call us

24 384 71 17

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Medical Center

Medical clinic in Kutno
Barlickiego 2
99-300 Kutno

phone 24 384 71 17
phone. 730 740 086
HQ: GlobalMedic Spółka z o.o.
Spółka komandytowa
ul. Gdańska 90 / 2-1
90-508 Łódź

Entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register
kept by the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź,
20th Commercial Division of the National Court Register,
at KRS No. 0000850921